A series of freak weather occurrences around Washington D.C. reunitestwo estranged brothers who are the sons of a once prestigious climatescientist. One of them suspects their father is behind it and [展开全文]
A series of freak weather occurrences around Washington D.C. reunitestwo estranged brothers who are the sons of a once prestigious climatescientist. One of them suspects their father is behind it and uponfurther investigation, they discover that all of their father's enemiesare dead - victims of freak weather accidents. Soon their suspicions areconfirmed as their father hijacks radio and TV transmissions to relaythe message that unless a certain Senator whom canceled his DefenseDepartment contracts is handed over, the city of Washington D.C willsuffer the consequences. As the brothers race to form a plan that candefeat their father, he lets loose a variety of diabolical weatherweapons on the Smithsonian, Jefferson and Lincoln Memorials, andNational Mall!