
    • 中文名:莫希特·雷纳
    • 英文名:Mohit Raina
    • 性别:
    • 星座:狮子座
    • 出生日期:1982年08月14日
    • 出生地:印度,查谟-克什米尔邦,贾姆穆
    • 职业:演员
    • imdb编号:nm3741768
    His acting career began in 2006 when he acted in a science fiction TV show called Antariksh that aired on Star Plus. In 2008, he starred as JaiKishan in a comedy movie called Don Muthu Swami, starring actor Mithun Chakraborthy in the lead role, however the film too didn't do well. He again returned to television in 2009 with another Star Plus show...