
    • 中文名:达夫·麦卡根
    • 英文名:Duff McKagan
    • 性别:
    • 星座:水瓶座
    • 出生日期:1964年02月05日
    • 出生地:美国,华盛顿,西雅图
    • 职业:音乐 / 演员 / 导演
    • imdb编号:nm0570884
    Duff McKagan was born on February 5, 1964 in Seattle, Washington, USA. He is an actor and composer, known for Hulk (2003), Fantastic Four (2005) and The Italian Job (2003). He has been married to Susan Holmes-McKagan since August 28, 1999. They have two children. He was previously married to Linda Johnson and Amanda (Mandy) Brixx.