
    • 中文名:鲍勃·赫金博格
    • 英文名:Bob Hilgenberg
    • 星座:射手座
    • 出生日期:1955年12月01
    • 出生地:美国,加利福尼亚州,洛杉矶
    • 职业:编剧 / 演员 / 导演 / 制片人
    • imdb编号:nm0221841
    Born in Whittier, California, Bob Hilgenberg began his career as writer/performer with The Groundlings and Second City, LA. It was at The Second City where he met and began writing with fellow performer Rob Muir. The newly formed writing team quickly transitioned into feature film writing, with a series of comedy rewrites and pitch sales, all at ...