• 中文名:Daniel Gonzalez Daniel Gonzalez
  • 英文名:Daniel Gonzalez Daniel Gonzalez
  • 星座:处女座
  • 出生日期:1970年08月23
  • 出生地:美国,得克萨斯州,埃尔帕索
  • 职业:演员
  • imdb编号:nm0327653
Daniel 'Gonzo' Gonzalez was born 23 August 1970 in El Paso, Texas. During the early 1990s Dan was in the Marine Corps stationed at 2d Radio Battalion, Camp Lejeune where he as assigned to the 24th Marine Expeditionary Force, Special Operations Capable (24-MEU/SOC) as a linguist. Upon completing his tour in the Marine Corps, Dan returned to El Paso...