• 中文名:埃丝特雷莉娅·莫伦特
  • 英文名:Estrella Morente
  • 性别:
  • 星座:狮子座
  • 出生日期:1980-08-14
  • 出生地:西班牙,安达卢西亚,格拉纳达,格拉纳达
  • 职业:演员
  • imdb编号:nm1185764
Estrella Morente was born on August 14, 1980 in Granada, Granada, Andalucía, Spain as Estrella de la Aurora Morente Carbonell. She is an actress and composer, known for Volver (2006), Toro (2016) and Bunuel and King Solomon's Table (2001). She has been married to Javier Conde since December 14, 2001. They have two children.