Clear本身可以说是摩根的一句疯话,瑞克找到他时,他基本已经处于半疯状态。我们可以看到路上和墙上有各种涂鸦和箭头,明显他心理非常混乱,所以如果从最简单的角度理解,Clear很可能是摩根一种提醒自己哪里安全的路标(Clear/The area is clear)。
但如果从字面意思看,就是"清理僵尸/保证安全"之意(Clear the area of walkers)。再深点,还有"问心无愧"(Clear conscience),"消除分歧"(Clear the air),"清醒"(Clear your mind),"理性面对"(Clearly see the path)等意。
Q:Morgan talked about “clearing” a couple of times — and episode was titled “Clear.”
What does that mean?
Robert:It means a lot of things. To a certain extent it’s the ravings of a lunatic but it’s
also about him trying to clear out his life and clear out any entanglements around him. He’s
living by himself so he’s trying to have a clear head. It’s basically about him getting rid
of his wife and getting rid of his son and the only way for him to survive is to clear the
area around him.