原文-Season SpoilersBetty Suarez is boldly going where she has never gone before: inside a one-piece. Sources confirm that Ugly Betty is heading to the Bahamas next month to shoot an episode on location at the Atlantis Resort and Casino. Most of the cast will be making the trek for the special episode, which will air in November and revolve around a big Mode photo shoot. “Location shoots can make or break you as an editor, so it’s a big deal for Betty,” reveals Ugly mole. There’s also a love triangle involves Betty, Matt, and a third party. (Ausiello) The former Spice Girl, Victoria Beckham, and the celebrated designer Vera Wang, guest-starred in Ugly Betty’s “A Very Posh Wedding” episode, where in Wilhelmina (Vanessa Williams) tried to seal the deal with tycoon Bradford Meade (Alan Dale). (KristinEonline)Shakira is stepping into actress Mode. The sexy songstress has been tapped to play herself in an upcoming episode of Ugly Betty, ABC confirms. A network rep tells us Shakira “will be shooting her scenes in New York, but they will and then the frosted lipstick.” (KristinEonline)Daniel was getting a new love interest named Denise since producers are casting the role of a late 30s early 40s-female who is funny, aggressive, Pilates-bodied, and power-suited. (Ausiello)New: Sources confirm to me exclusively that Fisher Stevens is joining Ugly Betty in the potentially recurring role of Mr. Z., Betty’s dry, sarcastic new landlord. (Ausiello) (SOURSE:TV.COM)本季剧透贝蒂勇敢的做了她从未做过的事-穿连衣裙。可靠消息称《丑女贝蒂》到巴哈马亚特兰蒂斯遗址和赌场拍外景。主要演员都要参加此次特殊拍摄旅行。本季在十一月播出同时围绕风格摄影展开。内部人士透露,“作为编辑,外景拍摄能造就人也能毁人,这是贝蒂的一件大事。”同时还会上演贝蒂,马特和另一个人间的三角关系。记得前《辣妹组合》维多利亚和明星设计师维拉•王曾在《完美的婚礼》一集中客串。剧中威廉敏娜要和商业巨头布莱德福•米德(Alan Dale饰)结婚。本季中歌手夏奇拉将加入演出。ABC确定这位性感歌手将在下一季中饰演她自己。电视网发言人告诉我们,夏奇拉将在纽约拍摄她的镜头,但他们会在巴哈马那集出现。在采访中,剧集运作人Silvio Horta解释了这位流行天后加入背后的意义。她说:“第三季里有个难忘的时刻,伴着夏奇拉《电动马达》的歌曲,一身不搭打扮的贝蒂得意的穿过街道。夏奇拉是拉美的象征符号,贝蒂也是。她俩组合堪称完美。”Kristen Johnston也在本季客串,填补原来由Paula Abdul饰演的角色。她告诉我们:“我接了Paula Abdul的那部分。本来是由她演的。我刚拍完本季第一集。他们想要我演一个衣着年轻但人已老的女孩。她总去酒吧但她已经40岁了。所以我穿着La Lohan紧身黑色衬衣和短裙。而且他们给此角色加了一些标志性的东西。例如她一直停留在1994年而且只喜欢卡迪根式开襟毛衫。所以化妆上是深粉色唇线配霜状唇膏。丹尼尔对叫丹尼斯的女孩产生好感。制片把此角色定位为35到40岁女性,风趣,积极进取,身材优雅而且有权势。独家可靠消息,Fisher Stevens将加入本剧,有可能饰演回归角色Z先生,贝蒂一本正经,好挖苦人的新房东。